But after a while, you begin to accept the blue But and the color never bothers you again. At first it seemed a bit odd and difficult to get accustomed to, since we've always known Bultacos to have red paint somewhere, even if it's only a touch. The 250 Bul carries the same paint scheme that was introduced on last year's model. Montesa has just released its slant-shock VR, of which CYCLE WORLD will have the first test, but which won’t arrive for another month or so.

At least it’s the first to hit our shores. This is Spain’s first attempt at mass-production of a FMS (forward-mounted shocks) motocrosser. They take pride in their accomplishments and, as long as they continue to produce competition machinery as fine as this newest Bultaco, they have every right to. They love motorcycles, not just as a source of income, but simply as motorcycles. Their machines have come about through many years of trial and error.
No megabucks, electronic thingamawidget telling them how to design motorcycles. They figure things out for themselves, and it works.

The technology is of the homemade variety. The latter has been the strength behind their successful motorcycles. They know that their country isn’t the richest one around and that they don’t have as many resources as many other countries do, but they know how to take advantage of what they do have.both in the area of resources and in the area of technology. KNOWING A LITTLE of how Spaniards think is helpful when trying to understand why they do things the way they do. Yet Another Superlight, But This Time With Radical Suspension